
Category : Wadden Sea

12 Sep 2020

Everyone counts

Everyone counts Use your own special talent to help fight for the ocean “Look in the mirror, consider your talents, and think about how you might use them to make a difference. Some have artistic skills, others are good with numbers or have a way with words. Everyone has power to make a difference as an individual, or by joining the company of others who share a common goal. The key is in knowing that what you do matters, including […]

08 Jun 2020

World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day Das Wattenmeer ist einer unserer wichtigsten Lebensräume und daher Weltnaturerbe. Jedes Jahr am 8. Juni sollten wir ganz besonders an unsere Meere und deren Schutz denken! Hier findet Ihr wichtige Informationen, wie Ihr zum Meeresschutz beitragen könnt.