Seven Days by the Sea
„Seven Days by the Sea“ entstand im März an der Nordsee. Ich fuhr dorthin, um das spezielle glitzernde Licht und die Stille in diesem Übergang zwischen Winter und Frühling in Bildern und kurzen Texten einzufangen.
Bei den verschiedenen Lichtstimmungen war mir immer wichtig, trotz der grafischen Struktur der Motive die Farben und die Bewegung des Elementes Wasser sichtbar zu machen.
So entstanden Bilder, die diese Bewegungen nachzeichnen und dadurch sowohl mir als auch dem Betrachter Zeit schenken – Zeit diese Bewegungen langsam zu verfolgen, Zeit neue Strukturen zu entdecken, Zeit neue Bilder zu sehen, vielleicht einen Delphin … Die Texte wiederum zeichnen die innere Bewegung nach, die diese Eindrücke bei mir auslösten.
„Seven Days by the Sea“ was created in March on the North Sea. I went there to capture the special glittering light and the silence in this transition between winter and spring in pictures and short texts.
With the different lighting moods, it was always important to me to make the colours and the movement of the element of water visible despite the graphic structure of the motifs.
The result was pictures that trace these movements and thus give both me and the viewer time – time to slowly follow these movements, time to discover new structures, time to see new images, maybe a dolphin …
My writing traces the inner movement that these impressions triggered in me.
1st Day Arrival
Confused, tired of noise and words.
Nobody there, Nobody wanted –
Finding the key at last.
2nd Day Silence
Ebbtide –
Soundless sky
And Watercolours.
A tune flies
From far away –
Questioning me.
3 Day Solitude
To find
What I didn’t lose.
My way to
Experience life.
Connecting again –
All one.
4th Day Independence
Rolling waves
Come and go.
Holding to my solitude
Even in the crowd.
Collecting what the
Waves left –
Giving and taking.
5th Day Gifts
Taking shells,
Shimmering pastels.
Little birds running
With the waves.
Sunbeams on
My face –
Laughing, running, too.
6th Day Freedom
The waves changing
The shore.
Timeless, endless
Nothing stays.
Everything new again.
Light and air –
7th Day Return
Tears and hope
To hold on
To the sea.
My horizon
Clearer now.
My heart wide
And open to –
The sunset.
(all © 2015 Christiane Weismüller)